# Architectural Designs Please follow the following commands to reproduce the study results on vision-language policy architectures. ## Reproducing Results Fixing the ```ALGO``` to be one of ```[base, er, agem, ewc, packnet]```. Select a policy from ```[bc_rnn_policy, bc_transformer_policy, bc_vilt_policy]``` and run: ``` export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=GPU_ID && \ export MUJOCO_EGL_DEVICE_ID=GPU_ID && \ python lifelong/main.py seed=SEED \ benchmark_name=BENCHMARK policy=POLICY \ lifelong=ALGO ```

Assitive Note - Specific command generation

Sequential (base)

Multitask (multitask)

Single Task (single_task)

Experience Replay (er)

Elastic Weight Consolidation (ewc)

PackNet (packnet)

Agem (agem)