Policy Architectures#

We provide three vision-language models for encoding spatial-temporal information in robot learning for LLDM.

Three Vision-Language Policy Networks
How Sentence Embedding is Injected

BCRNNPolicy (ResNet-LSTM)#

(See Robomimic)

The visual information is encoded using a ResNet-like architecture, then the temporal information is summarized by an LSTM. The sentence embedding of the task description is added to the network via the FiLM layer.

BCTransformerPolicy (ResNet-Transformer)#


The visual information is encoded using a ResNet-like architecture, then the temporal information is encoded by a temporal transformer that uses the visual encoded representations as tokens. The sentence embedding of the task description is added to the network via the FiLM layer.

BCViLTPolicy (ViT-Transformer)#

(See VilT)

The visual information is encoded using a ViT-like architecture, where the images are patchified. Then the temporal information is summarized by another transformer. The sentence embedding of the task description is treated as a token into the spatial ViT.