Create Your Own Datasets#

Collect demonstrations#

A spacemouse is required for launching the data collection script. Replace PDDL_FILE_NAME with an actual file path.

    python scripts/ \
                       --controller OSC_POSE \
                       --camera agentview --robots Panda \
                       --num-demonstration 50 \
                       --rot-sensitivity 1.5 \
                       --bddl-file PDDL_FILE_NAME

Create hdf5 dataset files#

If you are creating your own datasets, it is likely to have demonstrations collected for multiple tasks. To create all the demonstration data in a batch, we provide the following script:

    python scripts/ --folder-path PATH_TO_FILES

You would need to put all the folders created from previous step inside the path PATH_TO_FILES. For more details of creating a single hdf5 file for demonstrations, we refer to the file scripts/